Plats: Upper floor
Meet the Travellers
Meet the Travellers! is Sweden’s first permanent exhibition about travellers. It tells of their history, of the road as their home, of meetings of the minority and majority populations and their mutual dependence, of craftsmanship, of strong family ties and a living narrative tradition, but also a history with many dark memories of the authorities’ treatment of the travelling people.
There have been travellers on Sweden for hundreds of years. Making their way to villages and farms and offering goods and services that the villagers could not or would not make or provide themselves.
Gradually horses and carts gave way to cycles and cars.
Today the travellers are represented in all occupations, often as entrepreneurs or self-employed. Family loyalty, handicrafts, music and the language are important in the traveller culture.
The exhibition also contains finds from the Museum’s excavations of the traveller encampment at Snarsmon in North Bohuslän. Travellers took part in the excavations, which give a greater awareness and understanding of the history and living conditions of the nomadic peoples. The whole exhibition has been produced in collaboration with representatives of Kulturgruppen för resandefolket [the Travellers Culture Group].